A well-maintained roofing system is both hard work and reward. Your local roofer may have installed a topnotch roof but it won’t stay that way unless you do something to keep it in good shape. A roof of even the highest quality is bound to deteriorate over time without proper maintenance. .

As one of your trusted roofing contractors in Manassas VA, we at Peak Roofing Contractors want to help you maximize your roof investment through excellent products and services. Here’s what a good roof can give you:


It’s safe to say that everything you love can be found inside your home. That includes your family and pets, even your furniture and other tangible objects. As your roof ages, the protection it provides may also decline, putting your interior prone to damage and your family at risk of accidents.

With over two decades of experience in the roofing industry, we understand the local weather and needs of many residents in Northern Virginia. Fixing, replacing, and maintaining your roofing will not be an issue for us.

Home Value

According to Remodeling’s “2015 Cost vs. Value Report,” a midrange roof replacement in the South Atlantic region yields a 72.7% return on investment (ROI) which is considerably greater than having a midrange bathroom addition project. If your current roofing is quite old or is way past its prime and you’re experiencing a number of issues, a replacement might be your best bet. Not only will it save you from frequent patch up work, but it will also greatly increase the value and performance of your home.


Your roof is one of the first few things that visitors and passersby notice. Why not make a good first impression? A good roof enhances the curb appeal of your home. It doesn’t matter whether you are planning to sell your home in the future or not. Having a beautiful roof has a lot to say about the homeowner.

It’s easy to tell if your roof is well-kept from a distance: Asphalt shingles, wood shakes, and tiles would look perfectly aligned with no algae growth or blistering, metal roofs should appear nifty and definitive, and slate roofs would have no loose or missing parts.

You won’t have to look too far to have a good roof. We offer these roofing materials here at Peak Roofing Contractors. Additionally, our GAF factory-certified roofing contractors in Northern Virginia can install or repair your roof in no time using industry-accepted techniques. Just let us know how we can help. Give us a call today at (703) 745-5153 and our professional team will be ready to assist you.