The key to having a long lasting roof and preventing any major damage to it is constant maintenance, and repairs if needed. Even a small dent or crack in a roof shingle can lead to complicated problems like water leak that can cause for mold and mildew to develop, loss of energy efficiency or worst, complete roofing failure. Homeowners in Virginia should be especially wary of this because the state is one of those areas which experiences varied weather conditions.

We are sharing some steps on how to maintain your roof:

1.    Prepare a checklist. First and foremost, you should know which parts of your Virginia roofing to inspect. Make a list so that you won’t oversee any part. Also, make notes on where and what kind of damage these parts have.

2.    Inspect your roof. This part could not be articulated enough. Examine EVERY part in your checklist. Don’t just look at superficial damage, but make sure you don’t touch it so much because this may cause further damage. And make sure to check to which extent a certain crack or dent is.

3.    Prepare an action plan. This last step is the most important one. Though some damage is little enough to be handled with small repairs, it will still depend and these may deteriorate immediately. The best way is to call your local Northern Virginia roofing contractors and ask for their professional guidance.

But don’t just choose any company; go with the one local trust like Peak Roofing Contractors. We have been dealing with roofing and repairs in the area for more than two decades and we know exactly what kind of roof damage homes incur from the climate.

That is also why we specialize on storm damage. To expand our abilities to help, we undergo regular comprehensive training regarding how hail and wind interact with roofing, inspection safety, and roof area calculations. We make sure that we adhere to applicable codes stipulated in our Haag Certification. With this certificate, we can help you avoid the stress of disputes between your insurance adjuster and contractor. So when in doubt, call us at Peak Roofing and we’ll do a more thorough inspection and will assist you on what to do next.